Based on feedback from friends, I have made my site easier to navigate byt changing the theme on my wordpress blog. The main focus of this site is the blog section so I wanted to ensure there is an easily reachable blog button on the front page.
A couple of friends told me that it was hard to find the latest blog entry on my site previously. This is because the theme listed my post categories at the top of each page. This makes it difficult to find the posts in chronological order, or to see under which category had the latest posts. The new theme still has the categories on the right hand side, but the main page buttons (about, blog, CV) are right there at the top. This makes it simple to find the blog page.
I still like to categorise my posts even though it doesn’t make it so easy to navigate at the moment. Its good to add indexing information to your posts.
The intention for my blog is to keep the posts free from getting out of date. This means that anyone can read it in the future and it still proves as useful today as on the day it was written. However, keeping a simple blog link means that the posts are listed chronologically and you might only see 2 or 3 of the latest posts. The next step will be to have an indexing system or an archive which holds all the posts in one page. That makes it much easier to quickly scan through all the posts and pick the one that takes your interest.
Take care and keep improving!